4 Moss Oaks

4 Moss Oaks

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Let There Be Sleep

  Here I am. I can't believe I'm venturing down this road again, but here we are. As a mom, I feel like I don't even really know the girl, or the mom, of Fiction, Flight, & Everything Nice. So much has changed, most of all me. One thing that has stayed the same though, is how much I love to share with you all the things that I'm passionate about. Things that make my everyday life, my mom world, my ability to make it to that evening glass of wine, just a little bit easier. So here we go, welcome back friends.... I missed ya.

    Let There be Sleep:

  So we're all on the same page here: It's been a while, and in the meantime.... I had a kid. A boy. A beautiful, opinionated, strong, little ball of stink. We're still in our beloved home - you know, the one we used to have time to maintain, and prune, and pressure wash? Yep, that one - just with a lot more dust and mystery buildup by the pool. Savannah is a full fledged threenager and I sometimes often feel the need to hide in the closet eating potato chips and thinking about why I can't just binge drink Diet Cokes, even if it's my own personal crack.

  As you can probably tell, things may be different, but they're very much the same. My most recent struggle has been with Stellan and sleep. My baby, that slept 8 hours straight at 2 weeks old, was cutting 4 teeth at once and getting up every 2 (expletive) hours. This had been going on for over a month. The doctor told me to give him ibuprofen as often as was allowed to help him survive. He was a bleeding, swollen, miserable mess. I was the same. And I was desperate.

 Another thing that's changed since the first blog is the influx of neighbors; not just neighbors, but kids, friends, hours of play, and quality of life. Childhood at it's finest. I was talking to my neighbor about my struggles and she mentioned that she'd used oils for a variety of things. I stored the information somewhere but mostly forgot it.

  I didn't really think of it again 'til one night at 2:36am, I desperately searched the internet for other things I could do to ease Stellan's teething pain. Oils, oils, oils. So many non-sleep-deprived moms swore by it. Skeptical, I asked my neighbor about it and she very kindly let be borrow her extra diffuser and the oils I needed to make my sleep concoction.

  That day, I tried the diffuser and oils for his second nap. Nada. He screamed, he fussed, he was a total asshole.  I decided I would give it a few days try and I ran the diffuser through the afternoon in his room and reloaded the oils before bedtime. That night he slept an 8 hour stretch, got up to nurse for 10 mins, then slept again for another 4 hours. He'd also been getting up at 6, and that day he got up past 7.

  Since then, he's consistently been sleeping amazingly well at night and taking 1.5-2 hour naps (I'm still using Advil as needed as well.) I am absolutely hooked and a little bit obsessed with essential oils. I got us each diffusers and Savannah has been getting to sleep quicker, Stellan has been sleeping, period, and Tom... well... Tom is still skeptical but equally stunned at the results with Stellan!

   I would love love love to talk more to anyone who wants more information. So many great health benefits, but today, right now, I wish you sleep, mommas.

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